
Trap & Treat® BOS 100® and BOS 200® are specially designed for efficient and safe degradation of contaminants such as oil components, organic compounds, hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. In-situ remediation involves minimum operational disruption as the carbon-based BOS® injectate traps and treats contaminated solvents in the ground. Site owners will soon experience a reduction in soil and groundwater contaminants and improved plume control.

The BOS® products remain active until contaminants are eliminated, enabling sites to meet the necessary regulatory standards without leaving permanent installations that require power or maintenance. Trap & Treat® BOS 100® and BOS 200® are patented solutions developed by US-based Remediation Products Inc. (RPI) and exclusively available from Ejlskov in Europe.

Learn more about:

Trap & Treat® BOS 200®: Bio-degradation of hydrocarbons and organic solvents
Trap & Treat® BOS 100®: In-situ remediation of chlorinated solvents